What dafaq is going on in America?
A: lol
What dafaq do you mean by that?
A: They're eating the dogs.
There IS NO POLICY. Character, civility, things like "rights" and all that... but no Policy. There's just you.
Perhaps we should get involved, maybe help somebody run for petty little offices-- not for reasons of community status, political power, personal malice or corruption, but as honest public servants of the voters who elect them?
Or watch TV.
Did you ever wonder what you would do in 1936 Germany?
Hint: it's what you're doing right now.
This is an old policy statement here as a beginning for discussion with friends etc. ​The last section needs completely rewritten, and it was never intended to be more than a policy outline for advertising. ​Data is a little off too, but mostly from 2012+ lol "Back in My day..."